Prostate Cancer: It’s Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Prostate Cancer: It’s Causes, Symptoms and Prevention


“Prostate Cancer is the Most Common Type of Cancer in men. which is Highly treatable at its early stages. It starts as an enlargement in the prostate gland, which is situated between the bladder and penis. “

The prostate is a tiny walnut-sized gland near the bladder and creates fluid(seminal fluid) that is important for nourishment and transportation of sperm. It produces PSA (prostate-specific antigen), a type of protein that helps sperm maintain its liquid form and provides help in urine motion inside your body.

Prostate cancer is the most common type of Cancer in men other than skin cancer; according to, 1 in 8 men go through prostate cancer examination in their life. In addition, only 1 in 40 men die from prostate cancer in the USA. These numbers are adequate because prostate cancer treatment is very effective in the early stages. However, prostate cancer is still a leading cause of death in men worldwide because of unawareness about these conditions.

2 Stages of Prostate Inflammation

The prostate gland inflates in 2 stages, that can become a concerning situation for you

1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia or Benign growth is a low life-threatening condition that doesn’t invade or infect nearby tissues. When it is removed from your body, it rarely grows back. It can cause you UTI and other urinary problems if left untreated.

2. Prostate Cancer(malignant growth)
Prostate cancer is a highly life-threatening condition if not diagnosed in the early stages of its life. It can quickly spread through nearby organs to metastasize and your bones. And the removal of the gland is not an option because cancer cells can grow back at faster rates in your body.

Types of Prostate Cancer

All kinds of prostate cancer are malevolent and start in the cells that make secretions. However, Rarely do other types of cancer develop in the prostate gland. A common type of prostate cancer is

  • Sarcomas
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Small cell carcinomas
  • Transitional cell carcinomas

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer in Men-

Cancer shows no symptoms at all for a few men; especially during the early stages
. While if it grows and advances, some of the signs and symptoms which one can see in them are as follows.

  1. Having Trouble in urination like starting and stopping it
  2. You see a very slight decrease in the stream of urine.
  3. If you see blood in semen or urine
  4. Pain in the pelvic area, back and hips
  5. A frequent urge to urinate at night
  6. Painful urination and ejaculation
  7. The problem in maintaining an erection or erectile dysfunction

Advance Stage Symptoms of Prostate Cancer –
Advanced stage cancer also doesn’t show any signs, but you can still notice some symptoms along with the above symptoms.

  • Patients with advanced-stage prostate cancer will experience unexpected weight loss.
  • Patients with advanced stage cancer will feel pelvic bone pain along with an aching waist
  • Constant Tiredness is another sign worth noticing.

So, if you get any of the above symptoms in you; which persist for quite a few days. Then you should see a doctor immediately.

Causes of Prostate Cancer-

However, the doctors still do not know the exact causes of prostate cancer. The only thing the doctor has seen till now is that the problem of prostate cancer begins only when the cells in the Prostate area of men change their DNA. The DNA of the cell has the instructions to guide the cells on what to do. Thus, these changes make the cell divide more rapidly and live for a longer time when the others die.

Thus, these living cells accumulate to form a tumor, which with time can grow and spread to the other parts of the body.

prostate cancer symptoms


Who are at the Risk of Prostate Cancer-

There are some of the characteristics; which may make prostate cancer more vulnerable in your body. The factors are as follows-

  1. Age – Men with age are at more risk of prostate cancer; thus men above 50 years are at the most risk of prostate cancer.
  2. Race – Although, there is no scientific reason determined to it yet. But the people who are African are at a higher risk of Prostate cancer. As it is a very common problem among black people.
  3. Obesity – If you are overweight; you are at much more risk of prostate cancer; than people who have a normal weight. Also, the cancer is also at a risk to come back into your body after the initial treatment.
  4. Family history – The people whose blood relatives such as siblings or parents have a history of prostate cancer are at high risk. Also, the people in which the problem of breast cancer is propellant can be at a higher risk of prostate cancer.

What are The Complications of Prostate Cancer-

There are some complications of cancer and also of the treatment; which is as the follows-

1. Cancer can spread –

This happens rarely, but sometimes cancer can spread to other parts of the body. Like to the nearby organs, like a bladder. Or it can travel down to your bloodstream. Prostate cancer commonly spreads to the bones; which can cause broken bones and pain in bones. If in case the prostate cancer spreads to different parts of the body. Then however the treatment will still respond, but it may be unlikely to cure.

2. Urinary Incontinence –

The problem itself and the treatment of it, both can cause urinary incontinence in men. The treatment to the problem of Incontinence is how severe you have, some treatments for it are surgery, medications and catchers.

3. Erectile dysfunction –

Prostate cancer can also cause Erectile dysfunction in men; however, you can use external devices which can help you achieve erections of Erectile Dysfunction.

4. Low Testosterone Production

Prostate is important gland that convert testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone. Which is plays important role in men muscle and hair growth as well as sexual wellness of men. Prostate cancer  reduces the production of Dihydrotestosterone and create hair thinness and other sexual problems.

Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer –

Diagnosis of Prostate cancer may begin with the appearance of symptoms in your body. If you find any symptoms appearing in your body, a visit to the doctor is an essential step for your treatment. Doctors may ask you about your symptoms and medical history and then move on to other diagnosis steps for prostate screening.

Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA)-

PSA is a protein made only by the prostate gland in your body. This diagnosis measures the amount of Prostate Specific Antigen in your blood circulation system to determine the health of your prostate gland. Low PSA in blood samples means a healthy prostate gland. At the same time, a high level of PSA means an unhealthy prostate gland. In addition, high PSA levels can also happen due to prostate infections like prostatitis, and further tests may require to clear the situation.

Direct Rectal Examination (DRE) –

DRE is a direct examination method to determine the size of the prostate gland. Doctors use lubricated gloves to insert fingers inside your rectum to determine the size and growth of the prostate gland. However, only the Direct Rectal Examination method is not enough to determine if the growth is cancerous or caused by infection.

Biopsy –

Biopsy is generally done after PSA screening to determine the nature of prostate enlargement. Ultrasound and biopsy devices are used to take the sample of the prostate gland. Later this sample is tested inside a laboratory to find prostate gland infections and cancer.

After all of the diagnoses, the doctor may suggest that you take an MRI and CT-Scan test of the prostate gland to determine the gland’s actual size and enlargement area.

Treatments for Prostate Cancer –

There are a number of treatments available for Prostate cancer; depending upon the depth of the issue you are suffering from. Thus, you should consult a doctor before going under any of them. However, some of the common treatments for Prostrate cancer are as follows-

Hormone therapy treatment of Prostate Cancer

For Early Stages of Cancer –

If your cancer is in infancy in your body, then doctors can suggest the following treatment procedures –

Observation or Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer –

Observation is done to keep a close watch on cancer growth because it grows very slowly in the early stages. Any treatment or surgery may have more effects and side effects on your body than early-stage prostate cancer. That’s why doctors prefer to watch closely and observe its growth with regular checkups.

Radiation Therapy –

Radiation therapy in the early stages can be performed in 2 ways
1. External Radiation Therapy – A machine outside is used to send radiation ways toward cancerous cells to eliminate their growth.
2. Internal Radiation Therapy or Brachytherapy is another method to remove cancerous cells in the human body. A radioactive substance is placed near the prostate gland with the help of ultrasound or other imaging techniques.

Surgical Treatment –

Surgical treatment removes the cancerous prostate gland and connects tissues and joints like seminal vesicles and lymph nodes.

Treatment Option for Advanced stages of Prostate Cancer –

Hormonal Therapy –

Hormonal therapy is usually done to stop the spread of cancerous cells that grow faster in the presence of testosterone in your body. Medication and injection are mostly preferred to lower the testosterone in the body. If these methods fail to contain the cancerous cells in your body then doctors can decide to remove the testicles and testosterone-producing glands from your body through surgery.

Chemotherapy –

is the most common type of treatment procedure in which drugs are used to stop the spread of cancerous cells, but it has adverse effects on your body.

Immunotherapy of Prostate cancer –

Immunotherapy is a therapy that tries to boost your natural immunity to fight cancer by using lab-grown substances. These substances boost your immunity and give your body some fighting power against cancerous cells.
Targeted Therapy – In this therapy, medicines are used to target and eliminate cancerous cells in your body. This method is a great way to treat advanced prostate cancer effectively.

Cryotherapy –

Cryotherapy is done for patients who cannot take surgeries, Chemotherapy, or other therapies due to medical conditions. In Cryotherapy, the prostate gland is controlled and frozen to terminate the cancerous cell. This procedure is done on patients under anesthesia. Some side effects like urinary incontinence can happen after the treatment.

Is Prostate Problem Always a Sign of Prostate Cancer?

No, Prostate problems are not always a sign of prostate cancer, and not all growth in the prostate area are signs of prostate cancer. Some conditions create prostate problems but are not as life-threatening as Cancer. These conditions include:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia – Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH is a common type of prostate enlargement condition. This usually happens in men over 50 and disrupts the flow of urine and semen. However, Benign prostatic hyperplasia does not increase the chances of Cancer in the prostate and can be treated with medicines and surgeries.

Prostatitis: It is a bacterial infection of the prostate gland that disturbs its functioning of it. Prostatitis is a common form of prostate problem in men younger than 50 suffering from an enlarged prostate. Treatment of Prostatitis includes antibacterial medicines and other medications.

Prevention Of Prostate Cancer-

There are a few changes in lifestyle which you can do; to prevent the issue of prostate cancer in you.

1. Include a Lot of Fruits and Vegetables in the Daily Diet-

If you indulge in eating fruits and vegetables in your meal can improve your overall health. And is also effective in reducing the risk of cancer in you.

2. Exercise a Lot-

By exercising every day you can uplift your mood, and can also maintain your weight well. But make sure you start with a very easy workout and gradually increase the rate of exercise.

3. Try Maintaining a Healthy Weight-

As we know obesity is one of the common causes of cancer in the prostate; try to keep your weight healthy, as it is very necessary. Thus you should have a balanced diet and should also exercise for at least 4 hours a week.

4. Talk To Your Doctor-

If you feel, that you are at a very high risk of cancer; because of your family history of it. Talk to a doctor and find ways of reducing the risk in you.

Take Away-

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer; which men suffer through. But with the right treatments, you can stop it from spreading and curing it.

Also, a lot of men suffer from a lot of sexual and intimate problems in life; which they are highly ashamed to share with other people. So, if you are also suffering and want a permanent and affordable treatment for it. Then you should definitely check out the official site of Ohman  And order your products today.

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