Premature Ejaculation or Shighrapatan is a sexual problem in men that happens when semen leaves the body (ejaculate) sooner than he wants during sex. Generally, a man who ejaculates within 3 minutes or less is considered premature Ejaculation. Between 30% to 40% of men experienced premature Ejaculation at some point in their life. According to the American Urological Association, 1 in 5 men between the ages of 18 to 59 has reported premature Ejaculation.
Irregular Premature Ejaculation does not usually cause problems in sexual life and relationship. However, when premature Ejaculation happens frequently, It can become a frustrating factor in your sex life. In this situation, you should get a doctor’s advice. But before consulting the doctor, you should look for some signs.
Although Premature Ejaculation is an irritating problem, it has no direct effect on your fertility unless caused by other medical conditions like erectile dysfunction, Prostatitis, or stress. Usually, low serotonin levels, bad porn habits, and a sinful lifestyle are major Causes of Premature Ejaculation. However, men often feel embarrassed about it and try to hide it.
But one thing we want to make sure you that premature Ejaculation( शीघ्रपतन) is a treatable condition, and one thing you have to do is to tell your doctor about your premature ejaculation condition. The doctor may ask you about your habits and lifestyle to diagnose your PE; in this condition, knowing about habits and factors that cause premature Ejaculation can help you.
The exact cause of premature ejaculation is not clear among the experts; Once, it was thought to be caused by psychological causes. But now, due to various studies and clinical trials, healthcare providers know that Premature Ejaculation happens due to the complex interaction of psychological and biological factors. In addition, these factors may include :
Psychological Causes :
Psychological causes include psychological factors and traumas like
Biological Causes:
Biological Causes include factors that affect your body like:
Other Complications like erectile dysfunction, relationship problems, and stress can lead to Premature Ejaculation. Below we explained some common causes of premature ejaculation that many people experience but ignore.
In this blog, we are sharing with you 14 causes of premature ejaculation that are unknown facts about Shighrapatan. Even, if you are somebody who’s actively struggling with this right now we want to tell you that it is 100% possible for you to cure your premature ejaculation problems and have sex for as long as you want. If you pay attention to these 14 causes of premature ejaculation, you can reverse your sex time and live a better sexual life.
Irregular hormone levels in your body also lead you toward premature ejaculation. Serotonin and other neurotransmitters play a huge role in prolonging erection and ejaculation in your body. If your body lacks these essential hormones, then it may become a leading cause of premature ejaculation in your body.
The second cause of premature ejaculation is tension.
So, tension can also tense pelvic muscles in the pelvic region and lower belly. When any person has sexual activity with a tense mind, the entire body works differently. The breathing becomes shallow, shoulders get squeezed up and pelvic bones become tensed.
So, a key to staying away from premature ejaculation is reducing tension in your body while you are having sex.
Believe it or not, erectile dysfunction is one of the significant and prominent causes of premature ejaculation. Due to erectile dysfunction, you cannot maintain an erection during intercourse, and it ruins all your excitement and makes you ejaculate early in bed. Age combined with ED also plays a crucial role in early ejaculation. In your 30s or 40s, this may be the most significant cause of your premature ejaculation.
Moving right along to the fourth cause of premature ejaculation is bad porn habits. Watching porn is not bad, how we interact with it and how we use it in our life affects us. For instance, repeatedly watching ejaculation shots sets your brain with some preconceived thoughts which create a link between cum shot and pleasure, impacting the way you discharge.
Watch things that don’t emphasize the cum shot.
Interestingly, all those men hyper-focusing only below the belt while consummating eject way too early. When a man doesn’t focus on the sensations on the rest of his body, or the sensations of touching his partner, or interaction between them, then they are going to push themselves towards ejaculation more quickly than they want to. So don’t hyper-focus on only one organ while performing sexual activity.
Depression is one of the leading causes of premature ejaculation. People suffering from depression tend to ejaculate early due to social awkwardness and guilt building inside their heads. Sexual abuse is one of those guilts that make a person more depressed and ejaculate early. If you think you are a victim of depression or abuse and it ruins your life in bed and outside, then seek professional advice to eliminate it.
The seventh cause of premature ejaculation is associating ejaculation with pleasure. As we know,
In both males and females, sexual activity involves a sequence of events called the sexual response cycle. This cycle has four phases, excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
When a person is already at a plateau stage and has a high intensity of pleasure, say around the 85, or 90 percentile on a 100% of scale, he is pretty close to the point of no return and ejaculates soon.
To get maximum pleasure, a man needs to enjoy the entire sexual response cycle. If he rushes to get to that point where we have maximum pleasure, men will automatically eject quickly.
Must read first time sex tips to control too much excitement.
The eighth cause of premature ejaculation is that you have not yet developed the mentality to resolve premature ejaculation problems and to not ejaculate too soon.
So don’t underestimate the power of your mind in this scenario, as our mind really has a major impact on whether we ejaculate and when we ejaculate. Sexologists or counsellors provide many therapies to build that thought process where you can decide for yourself when to stop and start. So decide for yourself that you are going to last longer and make that commitment to yourself. and use your mind to solidify that in your body.
Constant fights and tension between relationships are causes of premature ejaculation in the modern day. These relationship problems create lots of stress and anxiety in your mind, leading to bad performance in the bedroom.
The 10th cause of premature ejaculation is mental tension, or what we call performance anxiety. If you are concerned about ejaculating too soon, and you start to get stressed out about that even while making physical contact that is going to impact your sexual interaction with this person, And that hyper-focus on not ejaculating is going to lead you towards ejaculating.
The 11th cause of premature ejaculation is fear of intimacy among some men. If you are somebody who gets afraid or gets uncomfortable with a deep connection, with a deep presence with somebody else. If holding eye contact with somebody for longer than 10 seconds makes you squirm, then ejaculating early might be your way to avoid any intimacy with that person. Maybe, talking with your friend or to a therapist can help you deal with the phobia.
Infidelity or faking in the relationship is one of the major relationship problems in many couples and one of the major causes of premature ejaculation. There might be something else going on in your life and your relationship, and premature ejaculation is the scapegoat which you’ve possibly created. Maybe you’re not actually happy in your relationship and don’t know how to make that transition in your life, so instead of really dealing with the main problem you choose ways to avoid longer interaction with your partner.
Too many Kegels In a day are not good for your sexual health. Excessive Kegel exercise brings us to the third cause of premature ejaculation. Though all over the internet right now you will find articles and videos saying that if you want to get over premature ejaculation, do Kegels exercises. These pelvic floor exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor and help you to hold your ejaculation for a longer time. Though most of it is true if you do Kegels all the time you’re actually going to hurt yourself.
Shockingly, many of our patients who have been doing Kegels for over three months still suffer from premature ejaculation. The reason is that they put their pelvic floor into this state of hypertension, and then consummate with tensed pelvic areas, which leads them towards ejaculation dysfunction.
If you think about masturbation as a training ground for the rest of your sexual experiences, then the things that you do while you masturbate really matter.
So if you are masturbating and ejaculating within 1,2 or 4 minutes, then you’re training your sexual response system. Hence, the time you take in ejaculating while masturbating can set the standard ejaculation time as a habit of excessive Masturbation.
We recommend switching this practice and going for a longer time period, like 10 minutes, or 20 minutes, and then ejaculate, and see the impacts on your sex life. We guarantee it will make some difference.
There are several ways you can avoid or prevent premature ejaculation depending upon the cause of premature ejaculation. Below are a few methods that can help you.
Behavioural techniques are one of the best methods to control premature ejaculation and have been shown to prevent it by more than 50% when done correctly.
You can perform it alone or with the help of your partner to execute it flawlessly. Behavioural techniques consist of 3 main techniques.
Start-and-Stop – Start and Stop technique is a behavioural technique performed during intercourse or masturbation. During intercourse, when you feel like you are going to ejaculate, stop for 10 to 30 seconds and then resume. These second stops will help you control the stimulation; try doing it 3 to 4 times or until your urge to ejaculate stops.
Squeeze Method – The squeeze Method also works the same way as the start and stop technique the only difference in this technique is to stop the ejaculation, you have to gently press the head of the penis for a few seconds, so that urge of ejaculation goes away.
Distraction Thinking – This method is a little different from previous techniques, which solely rely on the distraction of your mind. When you urge to ejaculate during intercourse, you must divert your thinking somewhere else until your urge stops.
If you are suffering from anxiety, depression, or some emotional issue, then having Psychological therapy can help you correctly deal with these causes of premature ejaculation. You can consult any good psychiatrist or sex therapist and talk to them about it.
several medical treatment options are available to treat premature ejaculation. The most common medical treatment available is antidepressant medicines. These antidepressant medicines are found to be very effective against premature ejaculation and erectile problems in men. Medicines like serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and PDE-5 inhibitors are some commonly used antidepressants for premature ejaculation.
Anesthetic creams are now becoming more popular to control premature ejaculation. These types of creams create a protective layer above the penis and stop too much stimulation of the penis.
Ohman. in is the best online portal for men’s sexual health & providing cures for sexual problems where you can get expert advice on your sexual health and medicines for them; some medicines available on Ohman are:
For erectile dysfunction – erectile dysfunction medicines
To Treat Premature Ejaculation – Premature ejaculation medicine,
To solve low libido problems – Low libido treatment Pack,
To treat Dhat syndrome – Dhat ki Dawa,
& penile enlargement medicines, and more.
So, those are 14 possible causes of premature ejaculation and there are others out there too.
And if you want to improve your sexual life, we have all the natural and FDA-approved medicine for ejaculation control.
We also share steps you can take to last longer in bed and control your ejaculations in our shop Check out, the best penis enlargement medicine in India & erectile dysfunction medicines if you have any doubts or questions do ask us we are always here to answer your questions.
Reference – American Urology Association