
December 8, 2021

What is Prostatitis and Symptoms,Causes, and Treatment of It?

The inflammation and swelling of the prostate, a walnut-sized gland located beneath the bladder, is known as prostatitis. Semen is a fluid produced by the prostate […]
December 6, 2021
men sleeping in desk due to weakness & hypogonadism

Male Hypogonadism: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of It

Male hypogonadism occurs when your body is not able to produce enough hormone like testosterone in your body that plays an important role in development during […]
December 4, 2021
Dhat syndrome Treatment

What is Dhat Syndrome | How to Treat and Identify Dhat

While certain illnesses and medical conditions affect people worldwide, some diseases are widespread in a specific cultural group or region. Dhat roga, also known as Dhat […]
December 2, 2021
male circumcision

What is The Medical Aspects and Benefits of Male Circumcision

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, the skin that surrounds the head of the penis. For male infants in certain parts of the […]
November 26, 2021

Balanitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Involved In It

Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis (head of the penis); it is relatively common and affects approximately 3-11% of males during their lifetime. Posthitis […]
November 24, 2021

What is Azoospermia? Its Causes, Symptoms, and Cure

Azoospermia is a condition, in which a man has no sperm left in his body; thus, during ejaculation, he has nothing in his body. This problem […]
November 22, 2021

What is Teratozoospermia? Causes & Its Treatment Options

“Teratozoospermia is a sperm disorder in which the sperm ejaculated by men is defective in shape or not formed correctly which causes fertility problems.” What is […]
November 19, 2021

What is Male Vasectomy Its Types, Procedure and Cost in India

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure used as a birth control method for men, which can last for a lifetime. This is a one time process, which […]
November 17, 2021

Prostate Cancer: It’s Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

“Prostate Cancer is the Most Common Type of Cancer in men. which is Highly treatable at its early stages. It starts as an enlargement in the […]
November 15, 2021

What is Trichomoniasis? Its Symptom, Causes, and Treatment?

Trichomoniasis is a Common sexually transmitted disease or STI which is caused by parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. As most of the sexually transmitted diseases it also transmite […]

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